Lowest Price Guarantee

We are always keen to ensure you as the customer get the best value you can find. Hence, we regularly check our prices against other competitors to ensure we offer great value all the time. However, if you think you've found the same product cheaper elsewhere, we'll happily match it.

Before your purchase

Call our sales team on 01926 954499. You'll need the following details:

  • The product code/name you're looking at purchasing
  • The website you've found it cheaper on

Whilst you're on the telephone we'll review the details and if everything checks out we'll match their price for you immediately.

After your purchase

If you find the product for cheaper within 7 days of your purchase, simply email us at sales@zengainteriors.co.uk with the following information:

  • Your order number
  • The product code/name you've since found cheaper
  • The website you've found it cheaper on

We'll then check it out for you and if everything checks out we'll refund the difference and confirm your discount.

  1. We only price match online retail sites - no auction, price comparison sites or marketplace sellers (such as Amazon, eBay or Play.com)
  2. The product on the competitor's site must be brand new and identical to ours
  3. The product must be in stock within the same timescale as our product
  4. We will not price match against batch dyed products that are discontinued or sold as clearance/outlet line on a competitor's website (e.g. fabric/wallpaper are batch dyed products in clearance sales)
  5. Price match is only valid on the day you notify us - a sales advisor must verify the price for the discount to apply
  6. All price matches compared against full order including delivery charges and like for like service, where applicable
  7. The offer is not transferable
  8. Made to measure curtains, roman blinds, cushions & tiebacks excluded
  9. The competitor must be of a similar high standard website and must clearly display authoritative elements such as their registered company number, customer service phone number, registered address (excludes private home addresses)

Last Updated: 22-Aug-2022

Last Reviewed: 22-Aug-2022